Central Java Has Refurbished 755 Thousand Houses For The Poor

SEMARANG - The Central Java Provincial Government continues to boost the construction of healthy, habitable houses. At the beginning of their tenure, the couple Ganjar Pranowo and Taj Yasin set a target for the 2018 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of 1,582,024 houses to be repaired.

Now there are only 827,009 housing units that are still waiting to be renovated. This means that around 755,000 houses of the poor have been renovated.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the construction of a Healthy Home for Living (RSLH) is an inseparable part of the extreme poverty alleviation program. He considered that poverty alleviation by providing cash assistance for several months was less effective.

"In Central Java, we have added the construction of healthy, livable houses and we build them like this," said Ganjar.

In the RSLH program, Central Java implements mutual cooperation both in terms of budget and implementation. In terms of budget, it comes from various sources. Namely, APBN funds, Central Java APBD, district and city budgets, as well as BAZNAS and company CSR. Meanwhile, the implementation of development is carried out with the help of the villagers.

The spirit of mutual cooperation, said Ganjar, can also be built through this program. For example, implementing latrines, installing electricity to repairing houses can also involve the private sector.

"Adding latrines, adding electricity, then we will mobilize all the power from Baznas, this one is from CSR, so we create the spirit of gotong royong," he said.