No Need To Worry, The City Government Guarantees Kediri Residents Can Get Free Treatment Even Though They Don't Have KIS

KEDIRI - The City Government of Kediri, East Java emphasized that it will continue to guarantee health services for residents who do not have a Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) so that they can get free treatment.

Head of the Kediri City Communication and Information Office Apip Permana said the people of Kediri City did not need to worry about the East Java Provincial Government's policy regarding the transfer of JKN financing for some residents of Kediri City to the regional budget.

"The Kediri City Government has provided health insurance to all Kediri City residents to get free treatment by showing the identity of the residents of Kediri City, such as KTP, KK or KIA. This is stated in the Kediri City Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Health Insurance," he said in Kediri, Antara, Tuesday, January 11.

This guarantee was given by the Kediri City Government following the recognition of the Head of RT09/RW02, Ngampel Village, Kediri City, named Bisri. He said that there were residents who had reported when their child was sick and did not dare to take him to the hospital because his KIS was missing.

"I got a report from one of the residents, he told me that his son had been sick for a week, couldn't walk, his body was hot and weak. He wanted to seek treatment but he said he was afraid, because his KIS was not active," said Bisri.

He also immediately coordinated with LPMK Ngampel Village and Social Volunteers/TRC (Quick Response Team) of Kediri City to take Aisyah, the sick child for treatment to the Mrican Health Center.

"Thank God his parents want it," he said.

He also added that when he arrived at the Mrican Health Center, Aisyah also immediately received a health check. Because she had to get more intensive treatment, Aisyah was referred to the Kilisuci Hospital, Kediri City.

"Before being referred, the KIS in question was checked first, but it was no longer active. But Alhamdulillah, the officer said Aisyah could get free treatment, with the requirement to use the Kediri City KTP or KK," he said.

The director of the Kilisuci Hospital in Kediri, Tutik Mahanani, also said that the patient, Aisyah, also immediately received medical treatment as soon as she arrived at the hospital.

Tutik explained the current condition of Aisyah. Based on the results of the examination he was diagnosed with fever, nausea and moderate dehydration. "Currently, the patient has received treatment so that his condition will improve immediately," he said.

For administrative matters, Tutik explained that according to her family, Aisyah had been registered with KIS, but now the KIS has been deactivated.

"Alhamdulillah, the patient is a resident of Kediri City, so they can get health services at a cost borne by the government according to Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2019, it is enough to show the identity of the residents of Kediri City, namely a family card and an ID card," said Tutik.

Tutik also hopes that residents of Kediri City who do not have KIS or other health insurance cards need not hesitate to get health services, because the City of Kediri has provided facilities for residents with Kediri City ID cards to get health services at a cost borne by the government.

"All costs will be free of charge, it is enough to bring the identity of the residents of Kediri City, such as KTP, KK or KIA only. If you have health complaints, don't hesitate and be afraid to come to health facilities provided by the Kediri City Government, such as Kilisuci Hospital," he said.

He also added that health services are provided for all, with the hope that the community will have sufficient health insurance. "With this health insurance, we hope that public health is guaranteed so that people can be healthy and run the economy well," said Tutik.