Ridwan Kamil Asks Residents Not To Panic In The Face Of Omicron

BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil appealed to the public not to panic, but to remain alert to the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
Ridwan Kamil said the Omicron variant was indeed much more contagious than the Delta. However, in terms of fatality, the Omicron variant is much lower than the Delta.
What the community needs to do is emphasized by Kang Emil, which is to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols.
"So we need to remain vigilant, but don't worry too much. Hopefully with our vigilance, we can control Omicron better," said Ridwan Kamil, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 11.
The West Java Provincial Government also continues to intensify tests, tracing, and follow-up (3T). This step is an effort to detect early on people who are exposed to the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.
"3T activities are still being carried out, especially tests and tracing of residents who have just returned from abroad. The first door is residents who are known to have traveled abroad," said the man who is often called Kang Emil.
He stated that until now there were around 14 residents with West Java Identity Cards (KTP) who were exposed to the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.
Of the 14 people, 10 are currently undergoing isolation at Wisma Atlet, Jakarta, and 4 others are in Bandung Regency.
"There are 10 people who were detected at the airport, and are currently undergoing quarantine, and 4 suspected people are in Bandung Regency. This is what we are tracking... But we can assure you, this Omicron case came from an overseas trip," he said.
"Like what happened in Bandung Regency, we suspect it was also triggered by overseas travel. Now we are investigating," said Kang Emil.