Why Zakat Collected By Baznas Can Soar Sharply In 2021?

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion said the increase in zakat collection managed by the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) throughout 2021 was due to the influence of factors in the use of digital technology.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a trend of increasing zakat transactions via digital, thereby increasing the market share of muzaki (zakat givers)," said Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment of the Ministry of Religion Tarmizi Tohor in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 11.

Previously, Baznas reported the achievement of zakat collection results during 2021 of IDR 516 billion. This figure has increased from 2020 which reached Rp385.2 billion.

Meanwhile, nationally, the collection of zakat, infaq and alms (Ziswaf) reached Rp. 11.5 trillion. Baznas recorded a distribution ratio of 82 percent of the total collection in 2021, the rest will be distributed in early 2022.

Tarmizi said the increase in zakat transactions through digital platforms was due to the more intensive zakat literacy carried out through social media. The use of digital technology is able to collaborate with millennial youth to pay tithe.

"At Baznas and National LAZ, there was an increase in donations of up to 30-35 percent through crowdfunding, e-commerce, and digital wallets," he said as quoted by Antara.

The increase in zakat transactions, he said, shows the great sense of generosity of the Indonesian people seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This is a momentum in showing their social care," he said.

Previously, BAZNAS targeted the collection of zakat, infaq and alms (ZIS) and other religious social funds nationally to reach IDR 26 trillion by 2022.

"For 2022, BAZNAS nationally has a target of collecting IDR 26 trillion," said Chairman of Baznas Noor Achmad.

He detailed the zakat collection targets from the Central Baznas Zakat Collection Organization (OPZ), Rp. 760 billion, Provincial Baznas, Rp. 2.12 trillion, Regency/Municipal Baznas, Rp. 6.94 billion, and the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) of Rp. 16.17 trillion.