Mrs. Maharani: Next Week, The House Of Representatives Will Approve The TPKS Bill To Be Discussed With The Government

JAKARTA - The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) held a Plenary Meeting with the agenda for the Opening of the Third Session Period for the 2021-2022 Session Year, today, Tuesday, January 11.

At the opening of this session, DPR Speaker Puan Maharani emphasized that her party would ratify the Sexual Violence Crime Bill (TPKS) as a DPR initiative bill next week.

Puan said that the legislation program that is currently the concern of all people is the Sexual Violence Criminal Act (TPKS). Thus, the TPKS Bill has become a DPR RI initiative bill and is a priority during this session.

He said that the drafting and harmonization of the TPKS Bill had been completed at the Legislative Body of the DPR RI.

With the increasing number of cases of sexual violence recently, continued Puan, the TPKS Bill has become a national legal requirement that must be immediately discussed and determined by the DPR RI together with the government.

Puan said that the DPR RI appreciated President Joko Widodo's attitude, which also saw the presence of the TPKS Bill as indispensable for the protection of victims of sexual violence, especially women.

The leadership of the DPR RI, said Puan, will immediately follow up on the TPKS Bill in accordance with the provisions of the existing mechanism in the DPR RI.

"So God willing, next week, Tuesday, January 18, the TPKS Bill will be ratified as a DPR RI initiative bill. It will then be discussed together with the government," said Puan in a plenary meeting at the DPR Building, Tuesday, January 11.

Puan hopes that the TPKS Bill can strengthen efforts to protect against acts of sexual violence and sharpen the paradigm to side with victims.

In this plenary session, he acted as chairman of the session, namely the Deputy Chairman of the DPR, Muhaimin Iskandar. The trial was attended by 99 members physically and 235 attended virtual. A total of 334 members attended.