The Smuggling Of Hundreds Of Illegal Drugs To Banceuy Prison In Bandung Was Thwarted

BANDUNG - Officers at the Class IIA Banceuy Prison, Bandung City, succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle hundreds of illegal drugs.

This illegal drug smuggling attempt was revealed when Banceuy prison officials suspected a black package in the prison yard at around 07.00 WIB, Thursday, August 27. The officer was at the watchtower.

Head of Banceuy, Tri Saptono Sambudji, said that the officers immediately checked the black package. It turns out that there are drugs Riklona and Alprazolam

"The tower post officer then reported the throwing of the item to the commander in order to open the contents of the black plastic," said Tri Saptono.

In addition to these hundreds of illegal drugs, petuags invented e-cigarettes and liquid vapes. Kalapas will coordinate with the Bandung City BNN to follow up on the findings of the drugs. Meanwhile, the throwing of the black package is still being identified.

"We are still investigating from CCTV to reveal who the thrower was," he explained.

In the future, security officers will be added. In addition, a safety net is also prepared on the wall to anticipate the throwing of prohibited items into the prison.