Hasto Emphasizes Megawati's Sayings About Parasites Taking Profits During The COVID-19 Pandemic Has No Political Content

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto explained that PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri's statement about the profit-taking parasite group during the COVID-19 pandemic was not politically charged.

Megawati made this statement when delivering a speech commemorating the 46th anniversary of the PDI-P today or Monday, January 10.

"There is no political content in conveying criticism except for the real desire that on this party's anniversary we want to dedicate the entire PDI-P movement to the interests of the nation and state," Hasto said at a press conference broadcast online.

According to Hasto, when viewed in its entirety, Megawati's speech is a form of criticism as well as autocriticism for the party bearing the bull symbol. For example, regarding the high price of the COVID-19 PCR test before President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stepped in.

"We'll see why to reduce the cost of PCR, the president has to step in. After the president intervenes, the new one goes down," said Hasto.

"Why then there are various issues related to (pandemic, ed), this is as an autocritic. Regarding social assistance, this is an autocritic. So that in the midst of this pandemic, what Bu Mega conveyed earlier (is a form, ed) autocritical criticism for the nation also includes PDIP cadres ," he added.

With the autocritic delivered by the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Hasto hopes that in the future there will be improvements that will be made. Both internally and externally.

Not only that, Mega's statement is also expected to unite humanity's desires. That way, efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic are not by prioritizing group interests or enriching oneself.

"Mrs. Mega earlier said that in a crisis, including the greatest, even though the key is unity with the people," said Hasto.

As previously reported, Megawati Soekarnoputri reminded that there are still many tug-of-war efforts in the midst of handling the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, on the one hand, President Jokowi continues to do his best to deal with this condition.

Not only that, he also highlighted those who fished in cloudy water during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are like parasites who take advantage.

"I also see that there are still political groups fishing in the murky waters. Apart from that, there are also interest groups that act like parasites that host their hosts in the name of the pandemic, they are still looking for material gains," Megawati said in her speech.