Reading Ahmad Sahroni's Strategy To Post A 'Dream Of Becoming President' Billboard

JAKARTA - The billboard for the treasurer of the NasDem Party's DPP, Ahmad Sahroni, with the slogan "Dream of being President" is scattered in several regions of Indonesia, recently seen in the city of Padang.

On the billboard, Sahroni wore a jacket bearing the NasDem Party logo. Both of his hands were raised up holding a poster that reads "Dream of Being President". On his right and left, many children are pointing at him with a smile. Political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad, assesses Ahmad Sahroni's goal of putting up billboards "Dream of becoming President ", indeed to insinuate PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha. Previously, Giring had also put up a billboard that read "Giring for President 2024". Andriadi said that the insinuation of the dream of becoming president is like a saying that fire is far from roasted. At the same time, he said, Sahroni defended It is known that Sahroni was appointed by Anies as head of Formula E executive. Head of PSI Giring in leading DKI Jakarta," Andriadi told VOI, Monday, January 10 PSI's view through Giring Ganesha, continued the Executive Director of PolCom SRC, Anies seemed to have no proud achievements. Of course, according to him, that is an unproductive view of the opposition. "The true and productive opposition is appreciating the achievements of the government in power, and strongly criticizing and straightening programs or agendas that are not in line with the interests of the people, especially in Jakarta," said Andriadi.

Meanwhile, Sahroni as a NasDem politician and the Chief Executive of Formula E as well as the candidate his party is waiting for for the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election, said Andriadi, it is only natural that he defends Anies Baswedan. "As we all know, there is a certain closeness between Anies and the chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, in the 2024 national leadership succession agenda. Even though NasDem has not officially declared Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate for 2024, it is only a matter of time," said Andriadi.