Jokowi Transfers Rp1.2 Million For 2.5 Million Salary Assistance Recipients

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has officially launched a salary or wage subsidy assistance program for non-PNS and BUMN workers with salaries below IDR 5 million. Having previously been postponed. In this initial stage, the number of beneficiaries is 2.5 million workers or laborers.

The distribution of salary subsidy assistance is given to workers or employees in the amount of IDR 600,000 per month for four months, or a total of IDR 2.4 million, which will be given every two months. This means that in one disbursement, workers will receive a subsidy of Rp1.2 million.

Jokowi said this program is a complement to the aid programs that have been issued by the government to help people affected by COVID-19. The difficult situation due to the pandemic has not only been felt by Indonesia but 215 other countries have also felt the same way.

"Today we are completing additional salary subsidies. The total amount that will be given is 15.7 million workers given Rp. 2.4 million. This is indeed given to workers registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," he said, during the inauguration of the salary subsidy program. from the Presidential Secretariat Youtube account, Thursday, 27 August.

This salary or wage assistance, said Jokowi, is indeed given to workers and companies as an award for being obedient and diligent in paying BP Jamsostek contributions.

Furthermore, Jokowi explained, this stage of salary assistance disbursement may not go directly today to the recipient's bank account. This is because the number received reached 2.5 million. Even so, he emphasized, everyone would definitely receive assistance.

"I think everyone receives the same Rp1.2 million. We hope that 2.5 million people will receive it today, some who accept it may resign tomorrow because of the millions," he said.

Expected to Increase Consumption

In addition, Jokowi hopes that this salary subsidy assistance can boost public consumption amid the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By sharing the assistance provided by the government, Jokowi believes the Indonesian economy can return to its normal position.

"We hope that with this assistance household consumption will not be disturbed, people's purchasing power will increase and we hope that our country's economic growth will return to its normal position which we want," he said.

On this occasion, Jokowi also detailed the assistance that has been issued by the government. Among these are cash social assistance provided to the community worth IDR 600 thousand per month. Then, the Village direct cash assistance (BLT) worth IDR 600 thousand per month.

"Free electricity for 450 VA was given, basic food assistance was provided, there were also those affected by the dismissal of pre-employment cards, there was also just two days ago productive Banpres for micro, small businesses was given cash assistance of Rp. 2.4 million. not small, "he said.