Student From Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra, Dies By Drowning In The Sidua-dua Twin Waterfalls

MEDAN - A student of MAN 2 Padangsidimpuan City, Wilda Fadhilah Hasibuan drowned while swimming in the Sidua-dua Twin Waterfall area, Sisundung Village, West Angkola District, South Tapanuli Regency (Tapsel), North Sumatra.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Tapsel, Hotmatua Rambe said his party sent a team to conduct a search after receiving information on the drowning of the victim.

"The body was found at 20.00 WIB. Then it was evacuated to the Puskesmas for examination by the medical team and witnessed by the victim's parents," said Hotmatua when confirmed, Monday, January 10.

The victim visited the location of the tourist attraction with his school friends. The victim and his partner came only for recreation and there were no school activities.

"There is no other agenda, just come for recreation. Pure drowning," he said.

Hotmatua said after that, the body of the class XII student was handed over to the family and immediately taken to the funeral home in Padangsidimpuan City.

"After finishing, he was taken to his parents' house in Padangsidimpuan," he explained.

The search and evacuation process for victims involves the TNI/Polri, BPBD Tapsel, the community and the local sub-district.

"Our appeal is, if you want recreation, be more careful and alert," said Hotmatua.