PTPP Wins Six MURI Records From The Yogyakarta International Airport And Istora Papua Projects

JAKARTA - The state-owned construction and investment company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) celebrated its 67th Anniversary (HUT). At this age that is no longer young, PTPP is determined to expand its wings to the Southeast Asia region.

The 67th PTPP anniversary celebration was attended by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono. Not only Basuki, the event was attended by the board of commissioners and directors of the company by strictly implementing the COVID-19 health protocol.

President Director of PP, Novel Arsyad, hopes that on the anniversary of his company, PTPP can expand to business in the Southeast Asia region. He emphasized that his party will continue to create innovations in running the company's business.

"With the support of superior human resources owned by the company, PTPP will continue to develop corporate strategies to increase the company's competitiveness and financial capacity," Novel said in a written statement quoted on Thursday, August 27.

Prior to this celebration event, PT PP had carried out a series of special birthday activities. These activities include the distribution of food packages to residents around the company, blood donors, PP Idol, CEO Talks, webinars, and e-sports.

The theme of the anniversary celebration is "Harmony in Collaboration" which is interpreted as a form of PT PP as a state-owned company contractor in Indonesia which is still optimistic in facing the COVID-19 pandemic situation and always prioritizes collaboration and harmonization with all stakeholders.

Coinciding with the peak anniversary celebration, PTPP received six awards from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) for the implementation of the construction of two projects, namely Yogyakarta International Airport and Istora Papua. The Yogyakarta International Airport development project located in Central Java has won three MURI awards.

The MURI awards that were won by the project, namely the Airport with the Fastest Airside Zone Completion, the Airport with the Most Concrete Usage, and the Fastest International Airport Construction Development. During the visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given some testimony of the quality results of the construction of the Yogyakarta International Airport project.

Meanwhile, the construction of the Istora Papua project located in Jayapura has also won three MURI Awards. The MURI award categories that were successfully obtained by the project, namely Curved Steel Roof Structure with the Longest Span with a span of 90 meters, Dome Structure with the Widest Boltless Roof with an area of 7,300 m2 without bolt joints, and Textile Duct Installation with the Longest Diameter Internal Ring 477 meters.

Istora Papua is a building with a typical Papuan architectural design which can be seen from the roof covering of Istora Papua which resembles a Papuan honai. In addition, there are Papuan mural motifs on several sides of the building.

"This design is an original work of the Indonesian nation where PTPP has won the trust to work on this building. The hard work of the nation's children has produced tangible results by setting extraordinary national records," said Novel Arsyad.