DKI DPRD Allowance Increases Rp.26 Billion, Prasetyo: To Help The Community

JAKARTA - Members of the DKI DPRD experienced an increase in the budget for salaries and allowances in 2022 by Rp26.41 billion from the previous year.

The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, claimed that the increased allowance would be used to help the community. An example is the socialization of government programs.

"Yes, (increase in allowances) of Rp26 billion for council members. But the money is again not for us, you know. For the community. Increase a little to help the community such as socialization. That allowance is what informs the public," Prasetyo told reporters, Sunday, January 9th.

Prasetyo views that the increase in allowances for members of the Kebon Sirih parliament is still feasible. Moreover, if it is calculated, the DPRD allowance is still smaller than the operational allowance for the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI.

"We deserve this, sir, who evaluates the Minister of Home Affairs. If not, the Minister of Home Affairs writes off (the allowance increase budget). But this is in his interest and we don't hold the money. The money goes to the community to third parties," he explained.

It is known that the budget for salaries and allowances for members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD has increased by Rp26.42 billion this year. Meanwhile, the salary and allowances for members of the DKI DPRD last year, namely 2020, amounted to Rp. 150.94 billion.

Thus, the budget for salaries and allowances is Rp. 177 billion for all members of the council in one year.

This is seen in the draft regional regulation regarding the 2022 budget year which has been evaluated by the Ministry of Home Affairs. This evaluation is stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 903-5850 of 2021 concerning Evaluation of the DKI Jakarta RAPBD for Fiscal Year 2022.

"The financial and administrative rights of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly, which include spending on salaries and benefits for DPRD of Rp. 177.374,738,978, have increased by Rp. 26,425,780,000," the Minister of Home Affairs said in a statement.