PDIP Calls Social Minister Risma Deserve To Advance In DKI Regional Election, Gibran 'Jokowi' Must Prove Leadership Quality In Solo

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Hasto Kristiyanto stated that his party has a large stock of leader cadres that can be supported for the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. One of them is Tri Rismaharini who serves as Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos).

According to Hasto, Risma's actions have been tested when she led the Mayor of Surabaya. Hasto stated that Risma's leadership power deserves to be used as an example to develop all regions in Indonesia, including DKI Jakarta.

"That's a good thing because by keeping the city clean and healthy, isn't this our responsibility as citizens of the nation. What Mrs. Risma has done is part of the curriculum in the party school to care for the environment, plant trees, build city parks, clean rivers, is a part of daily politics that must be carried out by every member of the party," said Hasto via electronic message, Jakarta, Sunday, January 9.

However, Hasto emphasized that it was the PDIP General Chair, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who decided which candidate would be chosen. "Later, the people will decide. Mrs. Mega constitutionally has the authority to determine," said Hasto.

Not only Risma, continued Hasto, PDIP also has names such as Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Ahmad Basarah, Mayor of Semarang Hendrar Prihadi, Regent of Ngawi Budi Sulistyono, and Regent of Gianyar, I Made Agus Mayastra.

The media crew then asked the name of Gibran Rakabuming. Hasto said that the son of President Joko Widodo was still given the responsibility to lead Solo, which had not yet completed one term.

"You have to show leadership qualities in changing the city of Surakarta," said Hasto.