Giring Declaration Forward For The 2024 Presidential Election, PDIP: Have You Been Around Indonesia?

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said there was nothing wrong with the declaration of Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha who would run for the 2024 presidential election. However, there are several conditions that must be met.

"The matter of nominating us for the 2024 Election has stages, yes. Every citizen who has met the requirements of course in accordance with the constitution can nominate and be nominated. That is our constitutional right," said Hasto in an online press conference, Wednesday, August 26.

Among them, anyone who declares himself to run in the 2024 presidential election must know Indonesia. In fact, he said, the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Sukarnoputri, always asked those who declared themselves as presidential candidates whether they had ever traveled around Indonesia.

"In a humorous way, the General Chairperson always reminds us whether those who declare themselves as presidential candidates have ever toured Indonesia," said Hasto.

According to him, what Megawati said seemed simple. However, if we look further, it is a form of reminder for those who are progressing to be able to know Indonesia further from the side of culture, political system, to know and understand the mandate of the suffering of the people.

"So the leader does not automatically nominate and then become a leader. The leader goes through a process, through training, and also through how the leader responds to his responsibilities for the nation and state," he said.

Previously, Giring Ganesha expressed his desire to become a presidential candidate in 2024. This was announced through a virtual press conference.

"I am indeed nominating myself to be the presidential candidate for the Republic of Indonesia in 2024," said Giring, Monday, August 24.

Giring said that this intention was announced to President Joko Widodo some time ago. At that time, he met President Jokowi along with PSI Chairman Grace Natalie. "Yesterday the meeting was closed (with Jokowi). We also informed about this pencapresan problem. Alhamdulillah, Mr. Jokowi welcomed it very well," said Giring.

From the results of the 2019 Election, PSI did not pass the parliamentary threshold or parliementary threshold (PT). Meanwhile, to run for President, it requires a requirement of 20 percent of DPR seats as regulated by Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

Giring's goal to compete in the 2024 presidential election contest is because he wants the political space in the coming period to be filled with ranks of young people who understand problems, both Indonesia and globally.

Moreover, when the 2024 Election was held, it was predicted that more than 60 percent of voters would be people aged between 21-35 years or millennial generation. Then, none of the incumbent presidential candidates will compete again.