Quarantine Jockey Appears, DPR Speaker Puan Maharani Requests Tighten Supervision
JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani asked the government to tighten supervision regarding the COVID-19 quarantine jockey because it endangers public safety.
"The activities of the quarantine jockeys are very dangerous for the safety of the people. Supervision of the quarantine process for international travelers who have just arrived in the country must be further tightened," said Puan in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, January 7.
Quarantine jockeys are parties that help international travelers to escape and not undergo quarantine according to the provisions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Puan gave an example of a case that recently occurred was the revelation of a quarantine jockey who helped a number of Indian citizens (WN) escape the obligation to undergo quarantine.
Another phenomenon of this quarantine jockey is that there are parties who replace participants during quarantine.
Puan emphasized that cheating on the quarantine process could cause COVID-19 cases to go undetected.
"Even though this quarantine is done to anticipate the spread of the Corona virus. If there are travelers who are positive for COVID-19 and do not quarantine, of course they will spread the virus uncontrollably. This will endanger the community," said Puan affirmed.
Puan expressed her appreciation to the Ministry of Health, BIN, and the National Police for working together to stop the actions of the quarantine jockeys.
The National Police itself has deployed 618 personnel to guard 206 quarantine locations in order to monitor the quarantine process carried out by foreign travelers arriving in Indonesia.
"All officers who have authority over this quarantine program must be aware of the jockey phenomenon and various other frauds, including from the airport," said Puan.
Puan hopes that the National Police can take firm action against the quarantine jockeys, including securing the escape of quarantine participants and processing them according to regulations.
Puan reminded all officers not to mess with the quarantine process, because there will be strict penalties for anyone who helps pass quarantine participants. Puan stated that the awareness of all parties is very important to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, especially now that many Omicron cases have been found.
Puan appealed to international travelers who had just come to Indonesia not to try to negotiate with officers so they could self-quarantine at home.
"So the officer's firmness is the key. Do not ignore the rules, and carry out tasks according to applicable regulations. This is for our common good," said Puan.