Nagan Raya Regency Government Gives Donation To Indonesian Hospital In Palestine

BANDA ACEH - The Nagan Raya Regency Government, Aceh Province together with residents donated Rp136,421,200 to help build an Indonesian Hospital in the North Gaza area, Palestine.

"We provide this assistance from the results collected by the community, including civil servants to help build the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza," said Nagan Raya Regent Jamin Idham in Banda Aceh, Antara, Friday, January 7.

The donation was handed over directly by Jamin Idham to the presidium of a humanitarian social organization for victims of war, conflict and natural disasters that are engaged in health emergencies, the Indonesian Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), in Banda Aceh.

The donations were collected by the Nagan Raya Peduli Palestine Committee (KNRP) consisting of civil servants, students, PGRI elements, scouts and various other communities. He emphasized that his party together with the people of Nagan Raya will continue to make more donations in the future.

"This is our first aid and we will try to help again in the future," said Jamin Idham.

Meanwhile, the Presidium of MER-C Indonesia, Henry Hidayatullah, said that the funds would later be used for the need for medical equipment for the newly built rooms. "Used to add operational and medical equipment needed," he said.

On the basis of the Palestinian government's request to expand the Indonesian Hospital building, Indonesia finally added two more floors.

Upon this request, two more floors were finally built, therefore donations are still needed for the fulfillment of medical equipment.

On this occasion, Henry said that the people of Aceh were very extraordinary in helping the construction of the hospital. Even the provincial government of Aceh had previously submitted funds of Rp. 6.7 billion.

"Therefore, as a form of appreciation, we gave the names of the emergency room and laboratory there with the names Tgk Chik Di Tiro and Cut Nyak Dhien, a hero from Aceh," he said.

The idea of the Aceh government and the community to provide such assistance was the first in Indonesia, and then followed by North Sumatra, said Henry Hidayatullah.