Drug Case, Soap Opera Actor Naufal Samudra Arrested At His Home

JAKARTA - The police said that the soap opera actress Naufal Samudra was arrested for narcotics cases. He was detained at his residence.

"(Arrested, ed) At Naufal's house, yes," said Deputy Director of Drugs at the Metro Jaya Police AKBP Donny Alexander to VOI, Friday, January 7.

Naufal's residence is in the Ragunan area, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. However, regarding the types of drugs that became evidence of the arrest, Donny could not explain it.

The reason is that until now, an in-depth examination of Naufal Samudra is still being carried out.

"Still deepening," said Donny.

For information, Naufal Samudra has been arrested twice for drugs. He was previously arrested on Monday, April 13, 2020.

At that time, Naufal was arrested at his home on Jalan Margasatwa Barat, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

Naufal was arrested for abusing liquid marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids in liquid vapes.