Bahlil Uncovers Entrepreneur's Tricks: Make An Excuse So That The Permit Is Not Revoked

JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia uncovered tricks that are often used by entrepreneurs to get what they want, including licensing issues. Bahlil knows this trick, based on his experience as an entrepreneur.

According to Bahlil, entrepreneurs have various ways and reasons to avoid having their business licenses revoked by the government. This method is also possible to be used by coal entrepreneurs whose mining business permits (IUP) are revoked.

"My experience as a businessman, we used to have many roads to Rome. We made many excuses to go to Rome. So that we can make it not revoked," he said at a press conference at the BKPM office, Jakarta, Friday, January 7.

Bahlil said that the government already knows the ways or tricks of naughty businessmen. However, he continued, it takes courage to revoke the business license.

"This has been seen but dare to take it out or not. This is a matter of courage, only President Jokowi dares," he said.

Bahlil said that reflecting on this incident, the government in the future will carry out a more firm mapping of the permits granted.

Bahlil also said that in the near future, BKPM will also hold a meeting with the technical ministry to make future formulations for business actors who get their permits.

"The criteria for supervision have been given many warnings. But they have not been ignored. Our next order will be even stricter. We will formulate in the future, for business actors to get permits, they must really be used," he said.

As previously reported, the government will revoke as many as 2,078 mining business permits (IUP). The revocation was carried out because it was not beneficial to the state. This is also in accordance with the directives of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"The mining IUPs are 5,490, which are now being revoked 2,078. That's almost 40 percent of permits that are not useful, how our country wants to progress. How can economic growth be accelerated. This is one example," he said.

Furthermore, Bahlil said he would coordinate with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to carry out the official revocation of the mining business permit next week.

"The revocation will be carried out starting Monday (10 January). The IUP will be carried out on Monday," he said.

Bahlil said the mining permits of the thousands of entrepreneurs had been revoked because they had not submitted their work plans to the government for years.

"We revoke it because the permit has been given, everything has been given, but he doesn't walk. Why is it given if he doesn't walk. And it's been years. It's from the IUP. , the plan, what is behind it. It means that this item is still being fried," he said.

Not only that, said Bahlil, the companies are not running, but the permits have been given. In fact, the names of the companies are also unclear. Even so, Bahlil emphasized that the government in the case of revocation of the IUP does not state who owns the revoked IUP and everything applies according to the rules.

"Revocation of permits without seeing who it belongs to, we are disciplined by the rules. I know I have many friends, and maybe there were company groups when I worked. But the rules must be enforced. Not for one person or certain group," he explained.