Regarding The Uploaded Case Of 'Santri And My Brothers Are Terrorists' Denny Siregar, Polda Metro Jaya Confirms The Legal Process Is Running
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya explained the development status of the handling of cases of alleged hate speech that dragged social media activist Denny Siregar.
Whereas, previously the West Java Police had stated that the handling had been delegated to the Metro Jaya Police.
"Yes, I'll do this later, okay, let's update first, we'll make sure first, that's (previous handling, ed) at the West Java Regional Police," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Friday, January 7.
"In the Metro (Polda Metro) we will tell you later, we can't do it now," he continued.
But apart from that, Zulpan stated that the handling of the Denny Siregar case has been officially delegated to the Polda Metro Jaya and will be processed immediately. That way, the handling will not stagnate.
"Running, definitely (processed, ed)," he said.
Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, stated that the handling of the Denny Siregar case had been delegated to the Polda Metro since mid-2021. The reason was that the location of the incident was within the jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya.
"So, we did follow the crime scene," said Ibrahim.
Meanwhile, Ustaz Ahmad Ruslan Abdul Gani reported Denny Siregar to the Tasikmalaya Police on July 2, 2020. The report was based on Denny's upload on his Facebook account about santri.
Denny Siregar's upload is in the form of photos of students with the words monotheism written on them. "DEAR BROTHER PROSPECTIVE TERRORISTS".