Corruption Involved In State Loss Rp600 Million, Former Village Head In Bima NTB Becomes A Suspect

MATARAM - NTB Regional Police investigators handled a corruption case in the management of the Mawu Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes), Bima Regency, 2017.

Dirreskrimsus Polda NTB Kombes I Gusti Putu Gede Ekawana explained, from a series of investigations it has been revealed indications of state losses with a value of up to Rp600 million.

"From the appearance of this state loss, investigators have named a suspect. That is a former village head (village head)," said Ekawana in Mataram, Antara, Friday, January 7.

The suspect in this case has the initials AA. In its progress, investigators have not made detentions with consideration of a cooperative attitude. Regarding the emergence of state losses, Ekawana detailed that the figure of Rp600 million came from a number of physical and non-physical projects.

"The figure (of state losses) at most comes from work on multi-purpose building construction projects," he said.

The work on the construction project, which cost the APBDes worth Rp. 380 million, was allegedly not in accordance with the plan. There are indications of a lack of work volume on a number of building items. The allegation emerged from the findings of the infrastructure engineering village assistant team (PDTI).

In addition to finding indications of losses from the multi-purpose building construction project, there are also posyandu construction, football field maintenance, gang rebates, kamling posts and village operational budgets.

Furthermore, Ekawana said that this case had been completed. Investigators have handed over the files to the research prosecutor.

"But there is a P-19 (return of files). That was on December 30 yesterday," he said.

In this regard, Ekawana ensured that investigators were still making efforts to complete the material instructions from the research prosecutor.

Mawu Village, Ambalawi District, Bima Regency, in 2017 managed the APBDes which was sourced from village funds and village fund allocations with a value of Rp. 1.4 billion.