Independent Quarantine Dispensation For Official Officials No Longer Applicable

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force has officially revoked the dispensation policy for officials at echelon I level and above who have just returned from duty from abroad to be able to self-quarantine.

This is stated in Circular (SE) Number 1 of 2022 concerning Health Protocols for Overseas Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period. This SE is officially effective today, so the self-quarantine dispensation for officials is no longer valid.

"Since the enactment of SE Number 1 of 2022, the dispensation for the implementation of self-quarantine is no longer enforced for all the officials in question," said Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force Wiku Adisasmito in a virtual press conference, quoted on Friday, January 7.

There are several important adjustments in the latest policy. First, the addition of France as the country of origin for the arrival of foreign nationals (foreigners) who are not allowed to enter Indonesia temporarily.

Second, adjust the quarantine time from 14 days to 10 days. This is for travelers in the last 14 days who have been in countries with community transmission due to the Omicron variant and surrounding countries, and the number of Omicron cases has exceeded 10,000 cases. Meanwhile, the 10-day quarantine obligation is adjusted to 7 days for countries of origin and arrival outside the previously mentioned categories.

Third, adjust the timing of the second PCR retest. That is on the 9th day for travelers with a 10-day quarantine obligation, and a retest on the 6th day for travelers with a 7-day quarantine obligation.

Fourth, change the technical right to apply for RT-PCR comparison tests for travelers after the second RT-PCR test through self-financing. Later travelers will be required to carry out comparative tests and comparative examinations with molecular detection methods that are able to see the failure of detection of the S or SGTF gene, which is generally an indication of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 cases at the same time, in order to properly screen Omicron cases.

In addition, comparison laboratories (labs) can be carried out in additional places, namely Balitbangkes, other government laboratories such as BTKL Lapkesda and other reference laboratories. This is in order to increase the accessibility of carrying out comparative tests for each traveler.

Fifth, based on the president's directive at a limited meeting on January 3, 2022, restrictions were placed on granting quarantine dispensations. Specifically for the submission, it is intended for Indonesian citizens with urgent needs. Such as, life-threatening health conditions or health conditions that require special attention, grief such as a nuclear family member dies.

As for foreigners, namely heads of foreign representative offices and foreigners with diplomatic or service visas, foreign officials at the ministerial level and above, migrants with the TCA scheme, delegates from G20 countries and honorable or respected people such as global economic figures.