Twitter Tests The Quote Tweet With Reaction Feature, Want To Try It?

JAKARTA - Twitter has re-developed its social network by bringing the Tweet Takes feature, where users can reply to Quoted Tweets with video reactions.

This feature that is predicted to be similar to TikTok is an advancement for Twitter by giving users the option of full-screen video replies. The feature is currently being tested for some iOS users.

With the test, Twitter users can choose to send Quote Tweets with reactions, regular retweets or Quote Tweets. Users can use reactions in the form of photos or videos, and the original tweet will be embedded within the reaction, as shown below.

The concept is actually similar to the short-lived Twitter Fleets feature, which allows users to share tweets with their own comments in full-screen format.

Unfortunately, Fleets of course, never really garnered interest from Twitter users themselves and the company pulled the feature out less than a month after it launched.

Unlike Fleets, which has its own tab, these reaction videos will appear in the main timeline just like any other tweet, although the video will look very different from a regular retweet. However, Twitter did not explain what format the videos will appear in the timeline.

Many say the Tweet Takes feature may be more akin to TikTok-style reaction videos, which often feature other users' comments or clips as the source.

The company has taken steps to build more useful features for content creators on its platform, so it's not surprising to see this kind of experimentation.

Even so, it is hoped that the Tweet Takes feature will not become a medium of bullying like the Fleets feature. Because, Fleets used to be used to target people for harassment. So it's not hard to imagine that these possible Tweet Takes could also be a problem.