Police Arrest 14 Perpetrators Of Beatings On New Year's Eve In Malang

MALANG - The Malang City Team arrested a dozen perpetrators of the beating that occurred during the New Year's Eve celebration in the Malang City area, East Java. Malang City Police Chief Kombes Budi Hermanto said as many as 14 suspects were arrested by the Malang City Criminal Investigation Unit with evidence of post-mortem and glass damage on the "The incident happened on New Year's Eve, we arrested as many as 14 perpetrators," said Budi, Thursday, January 6. According to Budi, there was one crime scene (TKP) in the Merjosari area, and two incidents around Jalan Candi Sewu, Kota Poor. The perpetrators were arrested by the Satreskrim Polresta Malang City together with the ranks of the police and Sat Samapta. Budi explained, as many as 14 suspects were arrested from two different cases. Nine suspects were arrested in connection with the persecution case that occurred in Merjosari, and five others were involved in a fight on Jalan Candi Sewu, Malang City. , PS and KA were inside the rented house and were then approached by two other youths who tried to enter by force. Outside the rented house, there were seven other people waiting who then threw bricks and shattered the glass of the rented house. After that, the victim immediately reported to the police and in the morning the perpetrators were arrested," he said.

Meanwhile, in another case on Jalan Candi Sewu, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Malang City Police, Kompol Tinton Yudha Riambodo, explained that the fight started with a drinking party to welcome the 2022 new year celebrations by a group of youths. At first, the New Year's Eve celebration took place. without any incidents. However, two youths, namely FJ and FA, had disagreements and sparked an argument. The FA then kicked FJ out. did not accept the incident then returned to the boarding house and kicked the FA in the face. FJ's actions were discovered by other youths, FW and AE, who then ganged up on FJ together with the FA. The incident was resolved by AFF and asked FJ to leave the location immediately. Then, FJ made a police report and stated that he had been beaten by several people. "Then the police arrested four perpetrators who were involved in the beating. But then the FA also reported back to FJ regarding the same case," he said. At Sewu Temple, the police then arrested five youths and all of them have been named as suspects. Tinton does not tolerate acts of violence in the Malang City area. For this incident, the suspects were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 and Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, with threats of punishment given being seven years and eight years in prison, respectively.