Siblings Drowned At Glagah Beach DIY Buried

BOYOLALI - Two bodies of victims who drowned at Glagah Beach Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region, were buried in their hometowns in Hamlet Jlobong, Pusporenggo Village, Musuk District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java.

According to the victim's uncle, Sunarjo, the victims of the Glagah Beach drowning, namely Fatih Deandra Auliaska (16) and her sister Radinka Putri (9), have been found and buried in a public cemetery in Pusporenggo Village, Musuk, Boyolali, which is not far from the funeral home or a distance from about 900 meters.

After finding Fatif Deandra Auliaska's body, on Wednesday, January 5, afternoon, then it was brought home for burial on Thursday morning at around 03.15 WIB and the body of her sister, Radinka Putri, was only found by the SAR team at 11.30 WIB and buried in Boyolali on Thursday afternoon. this.

According to Sunarjo, the group actually went to Wates for a family event to transfer their children's boarding house, but all of them wanted to help and after they finished, they went to Glagah Beach.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Boyolali Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Kurniawan Fajar Prasetyo explained that his party had sent a team under operation control (BKO) to search for victims to Glagah Beach, Yogyakarta.

A total of 14 people with two divers were deployed to help search for one victim who has not been found, namely Radinka Putri.

The search operation for drowning victims on Glagah Beach started at 07.00 WIB. However, the dive team had to be withdrawn first, due to high tides and strong currents.

The SAR team at around 11.30 WIB found the victim floating about 500 meters from the sinking point.

The victim's body was immediately taken to Wates Hospital, Kulonprogo to be examined and bathed before being taken back to the funeral home in Musuk Boyolali for burial.

A large family group consisting of 15 people plans to help move their nephew's house in Wates, Kulonprogo, Yagyakarta, on Wednesday, January 5. Unfortunately, when this big family stopped at Glagah Beach, four people were swept away by the waves.

Two of the victims, brothers and sisters, Fatih Deandra Auliaska (16) and Radinka Putri (9), were found dead after being swept away by the waves at Glagah Beach. Meanwhile, the victim's father, Ismandi (47) and his nephew, Zulfa Ulil Absa (16), survived.