Tommy Sumardi Is Questioned For Sources And Grants Of Money To 2 Generals

JAKARTA - Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that investigators hijacked Tommy Sumardi with 60 questions regarding the case of Djoko Tjandra's red notice revocation.

"The brothers of the suspect TS (Tommy Sumardi) were questioned by the investigators, as many as 60 questions," Awi told reporters, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 26.

Of the 60 questions, said Awi, Tommy Sumardi was asked about giving money to two generals, namely Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. Including the source of the money given.

"What the investigator asked the previous suspect was about the bribery of Djoko S Tjandra's red notice revocation," said Awi.

However, unfortunately Awi did not elaborate on what Tommy Sumardi told investigators about the money and the source of the money. Because, this has been included in the material of the investigation, so it cannot be disclosed.

In addition, investigators also investigate other parties as givers and recipients of bribes. "So investigators will certainly investigate in depth what happened in connection with the bribery. Then where the bribery happened is also the core question being asked by the investigator," he said.

Tommy Sumardi was questioned for 12 hours by investigators from the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit as a suspect in giving bribes for the revocation of Djoko Tjandra's red notice.

Even though he was questioned as a suspect, Tommy Sumardi was not detained. This is because investigators think that the detention is not necessary.

In this case the police have named four people as suspects. They are Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo. Both are suspected as recipients of bribes for red notice removal.

Both of them were charged with Article 5 Paragraph 2, Article 11 and Article 12 letters a and b of Law Number 20 of 2020 concerning Corruption (Tipikor) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

While the other two people are bribes. They are Djoko Tjandra and Tommy Sumardi. Both of them were charged under Article 5 Paragraph 1, Article 13 of Law 20/2020 concerning Corruption Crime (Tipikor) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

In the bribery case, investigators confiscated US $ 20 thousand as evidence.