Jokowi Will Submit List Of Candidates For KPU-Bawaslu Members To DPR In 2 Weeks
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has received a list of 14 candidates for the General Election Commission (KPU) and 10 candidates for the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) for the 2022-2027 period.
This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the Selection Team for Candidates for KPU and Bawaslu Members for the term of 2022-2027, Juri Ardiantoro at a press conference at the Bogor Palace. The jury said that after this Jokowi would submit the list of names to the DPR RI in the next two weeks.
"The names that we have submitted to the president within 14 days will be submitted to the DPR," said the spokesman, seen on the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Thursday, January 6.
Furthermore, members of the DPR will conduct a fit and proper test to select the 7 candidates for KPU members and the 5 Bawaslu members.
"The DPR RI will later carry out a fit and proper test of 14 KPU candidates and 10 Bawaslu candidates and half of the candidates that have been proposed by the President will be selected," said the jury.
The jury explained that 14 candidates for KPU members and 10 candidates for Bawaslu members had gone through a selection process for 3 months, starting from the announcement of registration, acceptance of registration, administrative selection, written tests, psychological tests, medical tests, interviews and then also profiling or digging the track record of each candidate. candidate.
There are also the fourteen names of the candidates for KPU members, consisting of 10 men and four women, namely:1. August Mellaz2. Betty Epsilon Idroos 3. Dahliah4. Hasyim Asy'ari5. I Dewa Kade Wiarsa Raka Sandi6. Idham Holik7. Iffa Rosita8. Iwan Rompo Banne9. Mochammad Afifuddin10. Muchamad Ali Safa'at11. Parsadaan Harahap12. Viryan13. Yessy Yatty Momongan14. Yulianto Sudrajat
Meanwhile, the ten candidates for Bawaslu members consist of seven men and three women, namely:1. Aditya Perdana2. Andi Tenri Sompa 3. Fritz Edward Siregar 4. Herwyn Jefler Hielsa Malonda 5. Lolly Suhenty6. Mardiana Rusli7. Puadi8. Rahmat Bagja9. Subair10. Totok Hariyono