Allegedly Stressed, Man From Kebumen Tried Suicide Jumping From JPO Pasar Enjo

JAKARTA - A man in a red shirt and black jeans decided to commit suicide because he was frustrated. This man from Kebumen was desperate to jump from the pedestrian bridge (JPO) Transjakarta Shelter Pasar Enjo, Cipinang Besar Utara Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. But the perpetrator's action to end his life failed. According to eyewitnesses, after he jumped from a height of about 5 meters, the life of a man named Subur (32) was still safe. The Satpol PP officers from Cipinang Besar Utara Urban Village who arrived at the location immediately evacuated the victims from Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai, to the side of the road. The victim's body was still limp and lying on the pavement.

In fact, the victim had several times to vomit. When interrogated by officers, the victim admitted that he lived on Jalan Cipinang Muara 1, East Jakarta. Meanwhile, from his identity card, the victim came from Kebumen, Central Java. According to Sugiharto, a P3S officer at the Jakarta Social Service, after receiving information about a suicide attempt, he immediately checked the location. "It's true, the victim of the attempted suicide jumped from JPO Pasar Enjo, thank God the victim's condition is okay. We'll try to contact her family," said Jakarta Social Service P3S officer, Sugiharto to VOI at the scene, Thursday, January 6. When questioned, the victim said that he was depressed due to family problems. "He is depressed because of family problems. From his statement, his mother and father have died. Maybe there are family problems or depression," he said. As a result of the attempted suicide, the victim did not suffer any external injuries. "Perhaps internal injuries, no external injuries. We took the victim to his sister's house in the Cipinang Muara area using an ambulance," he said.