Collaborating With 38 Channeling Banks, BP Tapera Is Ready To Distribute FLPP For 200 Thousand Housing Units

JAKARTA - The People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) has just signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with 38 banks channeling funds for the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) for Low-Income Communities (MBR) in 2022. The budget will be channeled through channeling banks worth IDR 23 trillion.

Commissioner of BP Tapera, Adi Setianto explained, the government is targeting 200 thousand units of subsidized housing for FLPP mortgages to be distributed in 2022 with a value of Rp. 23 trillion. This target increased when compared to the previous year.

The details of the Rp23 trillion budget consist of Rp19.1 trillion of DIPA funds (the 2022 State Budget allocation) and Rp3.9 trillion of principal repayments.

"We hope that the absorption and outreach for prospective debtors can be utilized as much as possible to serve housing needs for MBR," said Adi Setianto, in an official statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, January 6.

Furthermore, Adi Setianto explained, this cooperation agreement will serve as a guideline and basis for synergy between BP Tapera and channeling banks in the operation of distributing FLPP funds.

This collaboration, continued Adi, includes the distribution and refund of FLPP funds through KPR Sejahtera in an effective, efficient, transparent and accountable manner as well as providing benefits for MBR to reporting on its distribution.

The regulatory framework that supports the distribution of FLPP is available and officially promulgated on December 31, 2021, namely through the issuance of the Minister of PUPR Regulation No. 35 of 2021 concerning Ease and Assistance in Housing Financing for Low-Income Communities and BP Tapera Regulation No. 9 of 2021 concerning Home Ownership Financing through FLPP.

In addition, Adi also explained that BP Tapera as an OIP is required to implement risk management so that potential risks in managing FLPP funds can be minimized. BP Tapera is required to comply with the provisions of the Government Investment Policy statement and Investment Agreement as well as the laws and regulations governing government investment and amendments thereto.

"Therefore, in the distribution of FLPP Funds for 2022, we want the commitment of the FLPP Channeling Bank with the obligation to submit in detail the monthly realization plan until the end of the current year which will be evaluated periodically," he said.

Not only that, Adi also reminded the FLPP Channeling Bank to pay attention and ensure the quality of the FLPP house building complies with the technical requirements and the feasibility of housing such as building safety, minimum adequacy of building area, and occupant health.

For your information, the signing of the PKS was witnessed online by Herry Trisaputra Zuna as Director General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto as Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR and Syafriadi as Director of Investment Management System at the Ministry of Finance.

The 38 channeling banks consist of seven national banks, both conventional and Islamic banks, namely BTN and BTN Syariah, BNI, BRI, Mandiri, BSI, Artha Graha, and Mega Syariah. Then, 31 regional banks include BJB Syariah, BPD South Sulawesi, BPD South Sulawesi Syariah, and BPD West Kalimantan.

Then, West Kalimantan Sharia BPD, Central Sulawesi BPD, Central Kalimantan BPD, South Kalimantan Sharia BPD, East Kalimantan BPD, NTB Bank, Papua BPD, South Kalimantan BPD, Bank DKI, North Sulawesi and Gorontalo BPD, Sharia Central Java BPD, NTT Bank, Bank Nagari, BPD East Java Syariah, BPD East Java, and BPD Riau Syariah.

Then, Bank Aceh, Bank Jambi, Bank Sumsel Babel, BPD Nagari Syariah, Bank Jambi Syariah, BPD Sumut Syariah, Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah, BPD Sumut, BPD Central Java, BPD DIY, BPD West Java and Banten.