Abraham Samad Asked Firli Bahuri Ethics Court To Be Opened

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abraham Samad assessed that the ethical hearing of the KPK Chair by the KPK Supervisory Board should be conducted openly.

"I urge that the trial be made open so that the public can see and provide opinions, not to close it which will only raise negative prejudice against the results of the examination later," said Samad in his statement quoted by Antara, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 25.

Because, he said, every ethical hearing against the KPK leadership was always held openly. This is in line with the ethical hearing that was carried out against him and the former Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Adnan Pandu Praja some time ago.

"Like during the ethics trial against us in the case of the Anas Urbaningrum sprindik leak several years ago. At that time, Mr. Adnan Pandu and I had an open trial by the Ethics Council which was watched by the media," he said.

In addition, he said, several cases of ethical violations of state administrators were also tried openly, such as the hearing by the Honorary Council of Election Administrators (DKPP) or the "papa asking for shares" case by the Honorary Council of the House of Representatives (MKD) in 2015.

According to him, the closed ethical hearing by the KPK Dewas against the current KPK leadership had an effect on the accountability of the audit so that the public would be suspicious.

"Moreover, some adult members come from former judges who are used to open trials. This is strange," said Samad.

Previously, the KPK Dewas held an ethics hearing against Firli behind closed doors at the Anti-Corruption Education Center Building or the old KPK Building, Jakarta, Tuesday.

The trial was held based on a complaint from the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) to the KPK regarding the use of a luxury helicopter by Firli during his trip from Palembang to Baturaja, South Sumatra, Saturday (20/6).

MAKI considers that Firli's action is against the code of ethics of the KPK leadership which is prohibited from having a luxurious lifestyle.

Dewas KPK will resume Firli's ethical trial on Monday (31/8) because of the six witnesses summoned, only two witnesses gave testimony. In addition, Firli as a suspect will also return to the hearing next week.