Reported Due To 'Your God Is Weak,' Ferdinand Hutahaean Fight Back: I Report Back Because Of Slander!

JAKARTA - Social media activist Ferdinand Hutahaean ensures that he will follow all processes in the report against him properly.

One of the reports was submitted to Ferdinand by the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI), Wednesday, January 5 because they thought the tweets of former Democrat Party politicians were making noise.

"As a good citizen, I will closely follow the legal process for the report that was carried out," said Ferdinand via his official Twitter account, @FerdinandHaean3 quoted on Thursday, January 6.

Not only that, Ferdinand also threatened to report back to those who had dragged his name in this situation.

"And I will also fight back by reporting back the whistleblower because he has slandered me and dragged me into a situation that I didn't do...!!," said Ferdinand.

The report to Ferdinand began with a tweet on his Twitter account about Allah. Ferdinand wrote this, "It's a pity that your God is weak, you have to be defended. If I were, my God is amazing, omnipotent, He is always my defender and my God doesn't need to be defended," Ferdinand wrote on his Twitter account, @FerdinandHaean3.

The tweet went viral on social media. Some people consider Ferdinand's tweet to have a blasphemous nuance to religion. Ferdinand then made a clarification claiming that he was having a dialogue of his mind and heart and was thinking about many burdens.

"When I'm down I don't need to tell social media that I'm down. But I do an imaginary dialogue between my mind and my heart. 'Hey Ferdinand you're going to run out. Can't take care of you. Your God is weak'. But my heart says 'Hey no 'My God is strong'. So don't equate my God and your God'. It's an imaginary dialogue between my mind and my heart," he said.

Ferdinand also emphasized that there was no intention to target a particular religion. "I apologize to anyone who finds my tweet disturbing or making anyone uncomfortable. The point is it's an imaginary dialogue, not attacking anyone," he explained.

One of the reports to Ferdinand was submitted by the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) last Wednesday. Haris First, the chairman of the KNPI DPP said Ferdinand's tweet was disturbing and damaged the unity and caused chaos. In this report, a number of pieces of evidence are included.

One of them, proof of screenshots or screenshots of Ferdinand Hutahaean's tweets on the Twitter account @FerdinandHaean3.