So Trending Against Bahar Smith, Like This Habib Kribo's Attitude: You Have The Proof You Want Jihad, I Also Want To Fight Against You!

JAKARTA - The name Habib Kribo suddenly became a trend in cyberspace. He dared to speak loudly and loudly against the growing radicalism in this country.

Observed on Twitter's timeline, Thursday, January 6, the name Habib Kribo perched in the first position became Indonesia's trending. Videos showing strong statements by the preacher with the real name Habib Zen Assegaf against hardline Islam have been widely circulated.

"I'm scared, scared, oh my, I'm mortgaging my life for this country. A lot of people have advised me, maybe it's nothing to do. People who stay silent are more depraved than people who talk," he said.

Habib Kribo had appeared to discuss the case that ensnared Bahar bin Smith. His interlocutor on tvOne's Notes for Democracy is the speaker Haikal Hassan.

In one of the discussion sessions, there was a fierce debate between Haikal and Habib Zen. Habib Zen presented his argument at length regarding the Bahar case. He said Bahar and Rizieq Shihab were radical gangs. At that time, Habib Kribo had a very loud voice.

"What kind of dialogue do you want? If Bahar has ears, has reason, a lot of people don't like him. Loh, is there NU that supports him? Is NU an idiot? Habib Quraish supports him? Is Habib Quraish an idiot?" said Habib Zen.

At that time he said, if Bahar had clean ears and heart, then he should just stop. Haikal also responded to the speech of his interlocutor. He highlighted Habib Zein's harsh language. He admitted that he was lazy to respond.

"People may say I'm rude, I'm dealing with brutal people, I have to be gentle, responding to violent radicalism hard is gentle, you shouldn't be small, when you want to face radical Islam, hello dear, it won't come," he replied.

"Geprak if necessary. If you have the argument for wanting to jihad, I also have the argument for wanting to fight against you," he said.