The NasDem Party Will Promote Ahmad Sahroni To Be The Cagub Of DKI 2024

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nasdem Faction of the DKI DPRD, Wibi Andrino, admitted that his party opened the opportunity to nominate Ahmad Sahroni as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 DKI Pilkada.

Currently, Ahmad Sahroni serves as General Treasurer of the Nasdem Party DPP, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, and was recently lined up as chairman of the Formula E executive committee.

"God willing, Sahroni will be supported as a candidate for governor of DKI," said Wibi when contacted, Thursday, January 6.

Wibi admitted that this proposal was considered by the Nasdem DPP. Wibi views, Sahroni is a figure who has high electability in DKI at this time.

"We from DKI Jakarta also consider the figure of Ahmad Sahroni as one who has high electoral and capability in Jakarta," said Wibi.

However, Wibi said that the party created by Surya Paloh still opened the possibility to recruit other cadres. Because the political contestation in the capital city is still two years away.

Moreover, at this time Nasdem has not held official talks to discuss the figures who will be champions in the upcoming 2024 DKI gubernatorial election.

"We are very open to all because there is no selection process yet. From the NasDem DPP maybe each person has a champion. That's fine. We in DKI Jakarta have not had further discussions regarding the gubernatorial election because we are focused on winning the legislative elections for 2024," explained Wibi.