Directorate General Of Immigration Confirms Request To Block 10 People Related To Jiwasraya Case

JAKARTA - Head of Sub-Division of Public Relations at the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Sam Fernando, confirmed that he had received a request to prevent the Attorney General's Office of 10 names related to the alleged corruption case at PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero).

"It is true that there is a request for prevention for 10 people," said Sam Fernando in Jakarta, Friday, December 27.

Previously, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said that his party had asked to prevent 10 people from leaving the country because there were strong indications of suspected corruption.

The ten people who have taken preventive measures have the initials HR, DA, HP, NZ, DW, GL, ER, HD, BT, AS. "Whether they are still in Indonesia or not, we need to check the crossing data first," added Sam.

Sam admitted that the letter requesting for prevention was received as of December 26, 2019 and is valid for the next six months.

Aksa Agung has issued an Investigation Order for the Jiwasraya case with Trim Number 33 / F2 / Fd2 / 12 of 2019 dated 17 December 2019.

Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, M. Adi Toegarisman, explained that the AGO has examined at least 89 witnesses who are considered qualified in investigating the Jiwasraya misinvestment case.

PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) has invested heavily in assets with high risks to pursue high grade or high profits. Among them was the placement of shares as much as 22.4 percent worth IDR 5.7 trillion of financial assets.

As much as 5 percent of funds are placed in stocks of companies with good performance, the remaining 95 percent of funds are placed in stocks with poor performance. In addition, the placement of mutual funds was 59.1 percent, valued at IDR 14.9 trillion.

As much as 2 percent is managed by Indonesian investment managers with good work. Meanwhile, 98 percent are managed by underperforming investment managers. As a result, PT Asuransi Jiwasraya until August 2019 bears potential state losses of IDR 13.7 trillion.