Jakarta Increases PPKM Level 2, Anies: Warning So That We Don't Fall Asleep

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Province is currently implementing PPKM Level 2 for 14 days until January 17, 2022. This PPKM leveling status has increased from the previous PPKM Level 1.

In this condition, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan asked the entire community to further increase awareness in implementing health protocols anytime and anywhere.

"The central government has decided to raise the PPKM level in Jakarta to level 2, this is a warning so that we don't get carried away and increase our vigilance," Anies said in his statement, Wednesday, January 5.

During the implementation of PPKM Level 2, everyone who carries out activities in each sector or place must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 at least the first dose, but the main vaccination is the complete dose.

This requirement is excluded for residents who are still within a grace period of 3 months after being confirmed with COVID-19 with evidence of laboratory results, as well as residents for whom COVID-19 vaccination is contraindicated based on the results of a medical examination with evidence of a doctor's certificate, and children aged less than 12 years.

The following are activity rules for regions that apply PPKM Level 2:

a. implementation of learning in education units can be done through limited face-to-face learning and/or distance learning based on a Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health and Minister of Home Affairs Number 05/KB/2021, Number 1347 of 2021 , Number HK.01.08/MENKES/ 6678/2021, Number 443-5847 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning during the Pandemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19);

b. implementation of activities in the non-essential sector applies 50 percent WFO for employees who have been vaccinated and are required to use the PeduliLindung application at the entrance and exit of the workplace;

c. implementation of activities in the sector:

1) essential like

a) finance and banking only covers insurance, banks, pawnshops, futures exchanges, pension funds, and financial institutions (which are oriented to physical services with customers);

b) capital market (which is oriented towards customer service and the capital market operations are running well);

c) information and communication technology includes cellular operators, data centers, internet, media related to the dissemination of information to the public;

d) non-quarantine handling hotels; and

e) export-oriented and supporting industries wherein the company must show proof of sample documents for Export Declaration of Goods (PEB) for the last 12 months or other documents showing export plans and are required to have IOMKI by taking into account the technical arrangements from the Ministry of Industry, can operate with the following conditions:

a) for letter a) can operate with a maximum capacity of 75 percent of staff for locations related to services to the community, and 50 percent for office administration services to support operations;

b) for letter b) to letter c) can operate with a maximum capacity of 75 percent of staff; and

c) for letter d): (1) must use the PeduliLindung application to screen all employees and visitors;

(2) maximum capacity of 50 percent and only visitors with green and yellow categories in the PeduliLindung application may enter;

(3) fitness center/gym facilities, meeting rooms/meeting rooms/meeting rooms, and large-capacity meeting rooms/ballrooms are allowed to open using the PeduliLindung application and a maximum capacity of 50 percent, as well as providing food and beverages at the meeting room/meeting room facilities. /meeting rooms, and meeting rooms with large capacity/ballrooms are served in boxes and no buffet dishes; and

(4) children under 12 years of age must show a negative antigen (H-1)/PCR (H-2) result,

d) for the letter e):

(1) can only operate with shift arrangements with a maximum capacity of 75 percent of staff for each shift only in production facilities/factories;

(2) 50 percent for office administration services to support operations;

(3) number (1) and number (2) are carried out by applying the Health protocol;

(4) must use the PeduliLindung application, entry and exit arrangements; and

(5) eat employees not at the same time,

2) essential in the government sector following the technical provisions issued by the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform.

3) critical such as:

a) health;

b) security and order;

c) disaster management;

d) energy;

e) logistics, postal, transportation and distribution especially for the basic needs of the community;

f) food and beverages and their supports, including for livestock/pets;

g) fertilizers and petrochemicals;

h) cement and building materials;

i) national vital objects;

j) national strategic projects;

k) construction (public infrastructure including

telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructure); and

l) basic utilities (electricity, water and waste management), can operate with the following conditions:

a) for letters a) and b) can operate 100 percent of the staff without any exceptions; and

b) for letter c) up to letter l) can operate 100 percent of maximum staff, only in production/construction/service facilities to the community and for office administration services to support operations, a maximum of 50 percent of staff applies;

c) companies included in the sector in letter d), e), f), g), h), k), and l) are required to use the PeduliLindung application which has been started since 7 September 2021 to screen all employees and visitors who enter production/construction/service facilities and office administration areas; and

d) companies that are included in the sector category according to letter c must obtain a recommendation from the technical ministry of sector development before being able to gain access to use the PeduliLindung application,

4) for supermarkets, hypermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores and supermarkets selling daily necessities, operating hours are limited to 21.00 local time with a capacity of 75 percent of visitors;

5) supermarkets and hypermarkets are required to use the PeduliLindung application starting on September 14, 2021; and

6) for pharmacies and drug stores can be open for 24 hours,

d. a people's market that sells non-daily necessities can operate with a maximum capacity of 75 percent and operating hours until 18.00 local time;

e. street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, barbershops/barbershops, laundries, hawkers, small workshops, vehicle washes, etc. are allowed to open with strict health protocols up to 21.00 local time with the technical arrangements being regulated by local government;

f. implementation of eating/drinking activities in public places:

1) food stalls/warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls and the like are allowed to open with strict health protocols until 21.00 local time with a maximum of 50 percent of visitors eating food and a maximum meal time of 60 minutes with technical arrangements regulated by the regional government;

2) restaurants/restaurants, cafes with locations located in buildings/shops or open areas either in separate locations or located in shopping centers/malls are permitted to open with the following conditions:

a) with strict health protocols until 21.00 local time;

b) with a maximum capacity of 50 percent;

c) a maximum meal time of 60 minutes; and

d) must use the PeduliLindung application to screen all visitors and employees,

3) restaurants/restaurants, cafes with operating hours starting at night can operate with the following conditions:

a) with strict health protocols and operating hours from 18.00 to a maximum of 00.00 local time;

b) with a maximum capacity of 50 percent;

c) a maximum meal time of 60 minutes; and

d) must use the PeduliLindung application to screen all visitors and employees,

4) technical arrangements for numbers 1) to 3) are regulated by the regional government,

g. activities at shopping centers/malls/trade centers are opened with a maximum capacity of 50 percent until 21.00 local time with the following conditions:

1) pay attention to the provisions in letter c.4) and letter f.2);

2) children under 12 years old are allowed to enter provided that they are accompanied by their parents; and

3) children's playgrounds and entertainment venues in shopping centers/malls/trade centers are opened on condition that parents must record their address and telephone number for tracing purposes;

4) must use the PeduliLindung application for all visitors and employees.

h. Cinemas can operate under the following conditions:

1) must use the PeduliLindung application to screen all visitors and employees;

2) maximum capacity of 70 percent and only visitors with the green and yellow categories in PeduliLindung may enter;

3) children under 12 years old are allowed to enter provided that they are accompanied by their parents;

4) restaurants/restaurants and cafes within the cinema area are permitted to accept dine-in with a maximum capacity of 50 percent and a maximum meal time of 60 minutes; and

5) follow the health protocols regulated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and the Ministry of Health,

i. implementation of construction activities for public infrastructure and private construction (construction sites and project sites) operates 100 percent by implementing stricter health protocols;

j. places of worship (mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, monasteries, and pagodas as well as other places that function as places of worship), can hold congregational worship/religious activities during the implementation of PPKM Level 2 with a maximum of 75 percent capacity or 75 people by implementing health protocols more strictly and pay attention to the technical provisions of the Ministry of Religion;

k. public facilities (public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions and other public areas) are allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 25 percent by implementing:

1) follow the health protocol regulated by the Ministry of Health and/or related ministries/institutions;

2) must use the PeduliLindung application to screen all visitors and employees;

3) children under 12 years old are allowed to enter tourist attractions that have used the PeduliLindung application provided that they are accompanied by their parents; and

4) odd-even application along the road to and from tourist sites starting Friday at 12.00 to Sunday at 18.00 local time,

l. arts, culture, sports and social activities (locations of art, culture, sports facilities and social activities that can cause crowds and crowds) are allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 50 percent by implementing stricter health protocols and using the PeduliLindung application;

m. activities in the fitness center/gym are allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 50 percent by implementing more stringent health protocols and using the PeduliLindung application;

n. public transportation (public transportation, mass transportation, taxis (conventional and online) and rental/rental vehicles) is enforced with a maximum capacity setting of 100 percent and 100 percent for aircraft by implementing stricter health protocols;

o. the implementation of the wedding reception can be held with a maximum of 50 percent of the room capacity and not holding a meal on the spot;

p. domestic travelers using private cars, motorbikes and long-distance public transportation (airplanes, buses, ships and trains) must:

1) show a vaccine card (at least the first dose of vaccination);

2) showing PCR (H-2) for aircraft and antigen (H-1) for private cars, motorcycles, buses, trains and ships;

3) for logistics vehicle drivers and other goods transportation, the following applies:

a) drivers who have been vaccinated twice can use an antigen valid for 14 days to travel domestically;

b) for drivers who have just been vaccinated, must carry out antigens that are valid for 1x24 hours,

q. continue to wear a mask correctly and consistently when carrying out activities outside the home and it is not permitted to use a face shield without wearing a mask; and

r. The implementation of PPKM at the RT/RW, village/kelurahan and sub-district levels continues to be enforced by activating posts at each level by looking at the criteria

territorial control zoning.