Gambling And Motor Vehicle Theft Dominate Criminal Cases In Kudus In 2021

KUDUS - Kudus Resort Police, Central Java said gambling cases dominated criminal cases in the local area throughout 2021.

"Based on data on criminal cases from January to December 2021, gambling cases are in the first place," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kudus Police AKP Agustinus David in Kudus, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

The Kudus Police in 2021 resolved 19 gambling cases, and three of them were cases in the previous year. The second order, he continued, was 15 cases of motor vehicle theft, then 13 cases of theft with weighting.

Next, there were nine cases of theft, eight cases of child sexual intercourse, and seven cases of child abuse and embezzlement.

Other cases, namely embezzlement of five cases, four cases of mild maltreatment, two cases of letter falsification, two cases of beatings, two cases of child molestation, two cases of corruption, two cases of firecrackers, as well as murder, rape, extortion, ITE, embezzlement in office, and negligently resulting in the death of another person in one case each.

The Kudus Police during January to December 2021 received reports from the public as many as 124 cases, and 99 of them have been completed.

According to him, the number of cases is still lower than the same data in the previous year of 156 cases.

The prominent cases throughout 2020, namely cases of theft with weights recorded there were 21 cases, followed by cases of motor vehicle theft as many as 16 cases. Another prominent case in the form of fraud cases as many as 11 cases