Jokowi Inaugurates The First Toll Road In Aceh

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Banda Aceh-Sigli toll road, which is the first toll road in Aceh Province. The Banda Aceh-Sigli toll road stretches 74 kilometers.

"I want to thank the Governor, the Regent, the whole community in Aceh that land acquisition in Aceh Province is the fastest as far as I know, the fastest. For example, the 74 kilometers from Banda Aceh to Sigli is already 86%, this is very fast. So that the construction can follow quickly, ”said Jokowi during the inauguration of the Sigli-Banda Aceh section 4, Indrapuri-Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar, Aceh website, quoted from the Setkab website, Tuesday, August 25.

According to Jokowi, if the method used in Aceh is applied in other provinces, the speed of toll road construction will be better.

"If it is operational, access to the airport will be easier and faster, the travel time will be faster," he said.

Jokowi emphasized the construction of toll roads to make connectivity more smoothly and connected to air transportation.

"Economic growth will be linked from one point to another so that the economy will move faster. And we hope that this new infrastructure will generate new economic growth points, new businesses, expansion of existing businesses, "he said.

In addition, the President hopes that the existence of this toll road can raise the economy in Aceh at large with the aim of creating as many jobs as possible. The President advised the Acting Governor of Aceh to connect the toll roads with agricultural, tourism and industrial centers.

Road Infrastructure Development Continues

The President ensured that infrastructure development would continue amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to him, infrastructure is one of the strategies to accelerate national economic recovery.

"So that it makes our logistics costs more expensive. This is what causes our competitiveness, our competitiveness is not good if it is competed with our neighboring countries, "said Jokowi.

He said that the connection between Aceh and Lampung via toll road infrastructure could later encourage economic growth and equity. The toll road on the island of Sumatra will be 2,765 kilometers long.

"Economic growth and economic equality on the island of Sumatra and of course can increase efficiency for travel time. This data that I received will improve the efficiency of the 53 hour travel time along this development corridor, "said Jokowi.