3 Foreigners Arrested By Karawang Immigration, Claiming To Come To Indonesia For Garment Business

KARAWANG - The Immigration Office of Karawang Regency, West Java, examined three foreign nationals (WNA) for allegedly violating immigration rules.

The head of the Immigration Office of Karawang Regency, Barlian Gunawan, said that two people, namely RCH (26) and OOS (23) were from Nigeria and MAD (35) from Mozambique.

Gunawan said that the information on the whereabouts of the three foreigners was obtained from reports from the authorities who had arrested them.

"On January 4, 2022, information was obtained from the Karawang Police regarding the whereabouts of three foreigners who were arrested at the Rengasdengklok Police," he explained in Karawang, Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

From the results of the interim inspection, information was obtained that the three foreigners had come to Karawang for the garment business.

During the inspection, MAD and OOS were unable to show their passports. In addition, MAD, OOS and RCH were also suspected of violating immigration residence permits.

OOS is suspected of violating Article 71 letter (b) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration because it cannot show its passport. Meanwhile, MAD is suspected of violating Article 78 paragraph (2) because he was in Indonesia beyond the time limit of his residence permit.

"This MAD has been in Indonesia since August 27, 2019," he added.

Furthermore, the three of them can be subject to Immigration Administrative Actions in accordance with article 75 paragraph 2 letters (a) and (f) in the form of deportation accompanied by deterrence.