Price Stabilization, Government Prepares Cooking Oil Of IDR 14,000 Per Liter

JAKARTA - The price of cooking oil has soared in recent times. The increase did not only occur in packaged cooking oil, but also in bulk cooking oil. As an effort to stabilize prices, the government provides cheap cooking oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter for people throughout Indonesia. Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said that the government will provide cheap cooking oil for the next 6 months with a total of 1.2 billion liters. Furthermore, Airlangga said that the supply of cheap cooking oil would be evaluated in May, and could be extended. virtual, Wednesday, January 5. Airlangga said that the difference in the selling price of cooking oil will be subsidized by the government through the palm oil plantation fund management agency (BPDPKS). "The budget to cover the price difference plus VAT is IDR 3.6 trillion," he said. , Airlangga said that BPDPKS would go to a supplier who would provide government subsidized cooking oil. In addition, BPDPKS will also prepare a PKS cooperation agreement and the appointment of independent surveyors. At the same time, the government is currently preparing regulations related to the highest retail price (HET). The regulation issued by the Ministry of Trade states that the HET for simple packaged cooking oil is Rp. 11,000 per liter, while in the market, the price of cooking oil far exceeds the HET of Rp. 18,000 per liter.