Evaluating TGUPP Through The Jakarta DPRD

JAKARTA - The Jakarta DPRD will thoroughly evaluate the existence of the Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP). This is because there is a budget for TGUPP that is proposed in the draft general policy for the temporary budget priority ceiling (KUA-PPAS) in 2020.

The TGUPP budget proposed by the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) reached IDR 19.8 billion. This figure is the result of a revision of the initial submission of IDR 26 billion.

"The recommendation of Commission A is a comprehensive evaluation regarding the authority and functions of TGUPP. Because Commission A cannot eliminate all kinds of things, it is taken to the large Banggar (Budget Agency)," said Chairman of Commission A DPRD DKI Jakarta Mujiyono, Monday, November 11. .

In Banggar later, said Mujiyono, Commission A will evaluate the TGUPP thoroughly, starting from its duties, main and function (tupoksi), authority, and budget.

Member of Commission A DPRD DKI Gembong Warsono added, budget management in the era of Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan was no better than Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

During Jokowi's time, TGUPP members came from non-job ASNs, so their salaries were not disbursed from the Jakarta Regional Budget. Meanwhile, during the Ahok era, there were additional members of the TGUPP who were not ASN members. Even so, Ahok used the governor's operational funds to pay TGUPP.

Gembong suggested that the current TGUPP budget is allocated from Anies' operational funds if TGUPP's performance cannot be dismantled for evaluation. Moreover, the Jakarta DPRD cannot supervise the work of TGUPP.

"If the operational funds are one hundred percent under the authority of the governor, and that does not burden the APBD. Operational funds are not a matter for the APBD, DPRD has no business," said Gembong.