Police Set Bahar Bin Smith As Suspect, Ketum PBNU: Strict Action To Prevent Misperceptions About Islamic Sharia

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Yahya Cholil Staquf, appreciates the firmness of the Police in cracking down on intolerant behavior and false information. Including explicitly establishing Material bin Smith as a suspect.

According to him, such decisive actions can prevent the spread of misperceptions about Islamic law and tendencies towards acts of intolerance. Moreover, this kind of perception is dangerous for the integrity of the nation.

"Only with decisive action like this, we can prevent the spread of misperceptions about Islamic law and the spread of tendencies to act intolerantly and believe in radical propaganda that is harmful to the integrity of the nation and the harmony of society," Yahya said in a video caption quoted on Wednesday. , January 5th.

Gus Yahya also said that this kind of law enforcement needs to be done firmly. According to him, in the Shari'a, it has been explained that obeying state law is a Shari'a command.

"Therefore, I really appreciate the actions of the Police who have taken firm action against actions, intolerant behavior, radical propaganda, and even the spread of false information by several parties. Including in particular by Habib Bahar Smith," he stressed.

Gus Yagya hopes that this kind of firmness will be maintained by the Police. Thus, the problem of intolerance in society does not occur and can be overcome.

"Hopefully this will be an attitude that the Police will continue to maintain so that we can truly prevent and overcome the problems associated with the propaganda of radicalism and intolerance developed by some of us," said Yahya.

As previously reported, preacher Bahar bin Smith was arrested after being named a suspect in a suspected hate speech case. This determination was made after West Java Police investigators pocketed strong evidence of criminal violations committed.

In this case, Bahar is suspected of violating Article 14 Paragraph 1 and Article 15 paragraph 1 of the Basic Law Number 1 Year 46 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code and Article 45A paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code.