When Ganjar And Minister Basuki Chat With Grobogan Residents, Jokowi Joins

GROBOGAN - For the umpteenth time, President Joko Widodo again made a working visit to Central Java. Accompanied by Governor Ganjar Pranowo, Jokowi visited four regions, namely Sragen, Blora, Grobogan and Semarang City.

Landing at Adi Soemarmo Airport in Solo, President Jokowi and his entourage went straight to the first point, Gemolong Market, Sragen Regency. Jokowi and Ganjar greeted and distributed basic necessities to traders.

From Sragen, President Jokowi, Governor Ganjar Pranowo and their entourage went to Grobogan to visit Purwodadi Market and SD N 3 Nglinduk. Residents waiting for Jokowi's arrival cheered when the group arrived.

Jokowi and Ganjar and their entourage went straight to the elementary school yard located in Gabus Village, Tlogotirto District, Grobogan. Ganjar had time to greet vaccination participants at other points who followed virtually.

Ganjar had advised all school residents to remain disciplined in health protocols. Even though they have been vaccinated, Ganjar continued, masks must still be worn when doing activities.

“I craned and entrusted the process to be guarded. The teacher who teaches in class, please keep wearing the mask, don't worry, you're all right. Thank you," said Ganjar.

Hundreds of residents who gathered around the elementary school kept calling the names of Jokowi and Ganjar. Before leaving school and continuing with activities, Jokowi had approached the residents.

At that moment, Ganjar who was behind Jokowi stole the attention. Residents who were standing in the middle of the rice fields because they couldn't get close, called out Ganjar's name.

"Pak Ganjar, Kaose sir," shouted a resident.

At that moment, Ganjar and Minister of Public Works and Public Relations Basuki Hadimoeljono interacted with residents. Ganjar asked whether they had been vaccinated or not. Ganjar also reminded residents who do not wear masks.

"Ojo lali your mask, your mask is dinggo. Be healthy, yes, "said Ganjar.

The interaction of Ganjar and the bustling community also attracted President Jokowi's attention to join in. Jokowi, who was wearing a double mask, took off one of his masks to set an example for citizens not to forget to wear masks.

From Purwodadi, President Jokowi and Governor Ganjar Pranowo and their entourage continued their activities. They went by helicopter to Blora Regency to inaugurate the Randugunting reservoir.