Village Head In Pamekasan Suspect Of Plengsengan Project Corruption Returns Rp135 Million To The Prosecutor's Office

PAMEKASAN - The Public Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) of Pamekasan saved Rp135 million of state money from an investigation into a case of alleged corruption in the allocation of village funds (ADD) involving village officials in Tlanakan District, Pamekasan, East Java.

"This state money was saved from the alleged corruption case involving the suspect with the initials H, an individual village head in the alleged corruption case in the allocation of village funds in the 2020 fiscal year," said Head of Intel Kejari Pamekasan Ardian Junaidi as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

The head of Larangan Slampar Village is suspected of being involved in a corruption case in the plengsengan construction project in Morlaok Hamlet, Larangan Slampar Village, Tlanakan District, with a total budget of IDR 236 million and more than IDR 178 million at two different points.

At the first point the work volume is 660 meters long, while at the second point in the same hamlet it is 550 meters long.

The results of the investigation by the investigative team stated that some of the construction project locations were projects that were also a program of the East Java Provincial Government. However, by unscrupulous village heads it was claimed and reported as a village project from ADD 2020.

Due to this action, the state suffered a loss of more than Rp. 135 million, so that his party named the head of the Prohibition Slampar Village as a suspect.

"The letter for determining the suspect as a village head with the initials H is based on letter Number: B-1354/M.5.18.Fd.1/12/2021 dated December 21, 2021," said Ardian.

Apart from being based on physical evidence in the field regarding the results of the illegal logging project, which is also supporting evidence for the alleged corruption case of the embezzlement project in the village fund allocation project, the results of the audit of the Inspectorate Office of the Pamekasan Regency Government.

Ardian said the suspect had returned the state loss when the person concerned underwent an examination on December 30, 2021 at the Pamekasan Kejari Office in accordance with the results of the Pamekasan Regency Government Inspectorate's audit of Rp135 million.

"So, there is good faith from the suspect to return the money that was corrupted," he said.

However, Ardian emphasized that the legal process against suspect H would continue.

The suspect was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1), and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

Based on ANTARA's records, the return of state money due to the practice of corruption cases as in the handling of the alleged corruption case of the ADD project in Larangan Slampar Village by this institution is the second time in 2021.

Previously, this institution also succeeded in returning state money of Rp. 800 million in the case of the procurement of reservoirs and hand washing facilities for the implementation of the health protocol program at the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Pamekasan Regency.