Deputy Attorney General Setia Untung: Evidence In The Case Of Djoko Tjandra, Rp.546 Billion, Has Been Executed

JAKARTA - Deputy Attorney General, Setia Untung Arimuladi said that evidence of the Bank Bali cessie corruption case with the convict Djoko Tjandara worth Rp.546 billion was executed in 2009.

According to him, the evidence of the money has been deposited in the state treasury. The evidence was executed by him when he was Head of the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office.

"I am Setia Untung, as the Head of the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office, carried out the execution as the prosecutor's duties as executor to carry out the court's decision which has permanent legal force," Setia told reporters, Tuesday, August 25.

Untung said, the execution was also accompanied by a document of the handover to the bank and signed by the bank official. The execution took place on Monday, 29 June 2009, at around 19.00 WIB.

"During the execution I went to Bank Permata and I participated in the execution of the execution," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the administrative process, Setia said that evidence of money worth Rp546 billion had been deposited with the state. Deposits are made through RTGS (real time gross settlement) which goes directly to the treasury of the state treasury at the Ministry of Finance

"There is proof of deposit that has been deposited into the state treasury and I need to convey it to the media brothers and sisters to check with the Ministry of Finance, whether I, as the head of the South Jakarta District Attorney, lied to carry out the execution. Please check with the Director General of the State Treasury," he said.