Police Are Still Investigating The Gang Of Female Acquaintances On Facebook

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police is still investigating two suspected gang robbers with the initials S and A with the mode of acquaintance via Facebook. The Head of the Duren Sawit Police, Kompol Suyud, said the two perpetrators were still being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Department. The motive is still being investigated.

"The article will be determined later because the investigation is still being carried out. Victim Nasrul (19) just wants to make a report," Kompol Suyud told VOI, Tuesday, January 4.

In addition to securing the two suspected perpetrators, the police also confiscated evidence of a helmet and a sharp weapon belonging to the perpetrator.

"The motive is that the woman is one of the gang (perpetrators). Women are looking for prey through social media, the mode is asking for dates via Facebook. There are two perpetrators, they are still being investigated at the Polsek," he said.

Previously reported, Nasrul almost became a victim of robbery at the Pondok Kelapa Public Cemetery (TPU), Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

The gang of perpetrators used a woman to find a male victim who they wanted to date and meet.

The incident began when Nasrul made an appointment with a woman with the initials A through social media Facebook. A also invited Nasrul to meet at the Pondok Kelapa TPU area on Monday, January 3, evening.

Nasrul said he came from the Pondok Aren (Tangsel) area to the TPU because he was invited to meet in the TPU area.

"He was waiting at the door of the tomb, finally I came," N told reporters.

After meeting at the TPU, the woman with the initial A then asked Nasrul to ride her motorbike into the night. After entering the tomb area, Nasrul was actually awaited by two men carrying sharp weapons who walked towards him.

"So when A got off the motorbike, these two people appeared carrying weapons. I ran away and screamed for help," said Nasrul.

Residents around the scene who heard the victim's screams immediately tried to help him. Residents searched for the whereabouts of the perpetrators and managed to secure the woman with the initials A and the perpetrator with the initials S along with sharp weapons. Meanwhile, the other perpetrators managed to escape.

The two perpetrators were then taken to the Duren Sawit Police Headquarters along with evidence for further processing.