DPR: God Willing, The Ministry Of Religion Will Send The Umrah Pilgrims In January

JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VIII Yandri Susanto conveyed the good news about the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) which plans to send Umrah pilgrims this January.

He received the information after talking with the Minister of Religion and his staff.

"I had a discussion with the Minister (Religion) and the Director General of Hajj including the Secretary General (Kemenag), indeed in January, God willing, we will send Umrah pilgrims," said Yandri, Tuesday, January 4.

With the condition, the PeduliLindung application belonging to Indonesia and Tawakkalna belonging to Saudi Arabia must be synchronized. As well as technical rituals that are adapted to pandemic conditions.

"But on the condition that PeduliLindungi has been applied with Tawakkalna, including the rituals that have been adapted to rituals during the pandemic, and so on," he continued.

According to Yandri, if the process of synchronizing PeduliLindungi and Tawakkalna has not been completed, it could hinder pilgrims from Indonesia while undergoing Umrah worship activities.

"Because at this time it has not been completed, we are worried that when the Umrah pilgrims arrive in Jeddah or in Medina, it will be difficult to carry out their business to and fro. This can hinder the Umrah pilgrims while they are in Saudi," said Yandri.

Therefore, Yandri who is also the Deputy General Chair of PAN asked the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to immediately complete the work on synchronizing the two applications. So, said Yandri, the departure of Umrah this month can be realized and smoothly.

"We ask the Ministry of Health, indeed, if it is really complete, it needs to be launched, needs to be published and needs to be conveyed to Umrah pilgrims and to the public in general. So that there are no longer any signs of questioning whether they are really affiliated or not," concluded Yandri .

The government has confirmed that it plans to dispatch Umrah pilgrims in January 2022.

In this case, the Ministry of Religion is still preparing matters relating to the technical implementation of Umrah to send pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

"God willing, we will continue to prepare technically (for January 2022 departure)," said the Ministry of Religion's Director General of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) Hilman Latif, Monday, January 3.