Daily Habits That Can Increase Anxiety, Should Be Avoided
JAKARTA - Anxiety or anxiety is a mental health condition that makes you feel worried, afraid, awry, and cheaply tense. Anxiety has a certain level of condition from mild to severe, the most extreme conditions can cause one excessive head and pain in the chest.
This mental condition is common when you often feel stressed or often overwritten by certain events that make you feel depressed. This disorder will also be exacerbated by bad habits such as the following.
Thinking Everyone Judging YouYou need to know that everyone must have a judgmental attitude in him. Subconsciously this attitude can appear when something is going but beyond your standards. You have to keep in mind that everyone has different standards, so any judgment that comes to their mind is their business.
If they judge you, filter which one you should hear. You need to hear any constructive judgments, but you don't need to listen to negative ones.
PerfectionistBeing a perfectionist actually has its pros and cons. On the one hand, the positive value is that people judge you as a hard worker, have high standards and are strongly determined to achieve what you want. In addition, you are also considered responsive because you have prepared 1001 ways to deal with problems.
But the downside lies in how you can't handle the negative emotions that strike when there's something you can't achieve. What's more, you will have high (even seemingly impossible) standards to achieve.
Always ApologizingDon't apologize if it's not your fault. The more often you apologize for things you shouldn't, the less confident you will be. Also, frequently apologizing will make your 'apology' meaningless because it seems inappropriate for the 'apology'.