Woman Cleaning Officer In Medan Becomes Another Crime Victim, Her Motorcycle Is Lost Stolen While Working

MEDAN - The unfortunate fate of a woman member of the jasmine squad in Medan City, Surtinem (45). His Honda Beat motorbike was stolen while cleaning the streets on Jalan Agus Salim, Medan City.

Surtinem explained that the theft occurred while he was on duty sweeping Jalan Agus Salim, Tuesday, January 4. At that time, he still saw his motorbike was still parked.

"About 100 meters I saw that it was still there, so I swept it again, when I looked again it was gone," he told reporters.

Seeing his motorbike missing, Surtinem immediately shouted and asked for help from residents. Assisted by local residents, he reported the theft case to the Medan Baru Police.

Separately, the Head of the Medan Baru Police, Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa when confirmed confirmed the incident. According to him, the police have investigated the scene and secured the CCTV footage.

"Based on CCTV, there are 2 perpetrators who carried out the theft. Next, we will carry out an investigation, we will find the perpetrators as soon as possible," said Commissioner Fathir, Tuesday, January 4.

Kompol Fathir explained, during the action, a group of thieves took the motorbike by breaking the handlebar lock.

"We can clearly see the perpetrators took it by breaking the handlebar lock. Then they took them away to Jalan A Rivai," he said.

At this time, he could not confirm that the thefts were a professional group.

"We haven't gotten there yet. What is certain is that the perpetrator damaged the vehicle and ran away," he said.

Previously, a female jasmine officer named Ramadhoni Hasibuan (53) a janitor in the city of Medan was also a victim of robbery. The robbery incident occurred, Sunday, January 2, at 06.00 WIB on Jalan Pinus, East Medan District, Medan City

At that time, he was passing by using a Honda Beat motorbike with the police number BK 5802 AHT. Then from behind, two perpetrators appeared who hit him in the back with a beam.

As a result, he immediately fell until his face hit the asphalt and passed out. Police are still looking for the culprit.