DKI Waits For The Ministry Of Health's Signal, Will Sinovac Vaccine Recipients Get Booster Priority?

JAKARTA - The DKI Health Office is still waiting for the Ministry of Health's technical instructions for the implementation of "booster" vaccination for the general public. Whether the Sinovac vaccine recipient will get the booster vaccine first or not.

Considering that the Sinovac vaccine efficacy based on information from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) only reached 65.3 percent or lower than several types of vaccines used in Indonesia, such as Pfizer and Moderna, whose efficacy was above 90 percent.

In addition, whether to use the same brand of vaccine or can use a different brand of vaccine

"Whether there is an interval for getting a booster after several months of the second injection, we don't know yet, there is no decision yet. We are waiting for a more detailed policy from the Ministry of Health," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control of the DKI Jakarta Health Office Dwi Oktavia in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 4. Between.

Likewise, the scheme for giving vaccines, whether free or paid for certain groups, is still not waiting for technical instructions.

The DKI Jakarta Health Office noted that as many as 70 percent or around 71,000 health workers with a DKI Jakarta ID card (KTP) have received the third dose of vaccine or "booster" COVID-19.

Previously, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the third dose of vaccine would be given to people aged 18 years and over who had received the second dose of vaccine with a period of more than six months.

"We identified that there were around 21 million targets in January that have entered this category," said the Minister of Health in a statement at the Presidential Office, Monday (3/1).

Budi added that booster vaccinations will be given to districts/cities whose vaccination achievements have met the criteria for 70 percent of the first dose and 60 percent of the second dose.

So far, there are 244 city districts that have met these criteria.

The government, he said, has secured a stock of around 113 million doses of booster vaccines out of a total requirement of 230 million doses.

Meanwhile, regarding the type of vaccine to be used, a decision will be made after the recommendation from the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI) and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).