DKI Provincial Government Ensures Incentives For COVID-19 Medical Workers Are Liquid Today

JAKARTA - Head of DKI Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) Edi Sumantri confirmed that incentive costs for medical personnel handling COVID-19 have been sent to the DKI Health Office.

"Last Monday it was sent to the Health Office," said Edi when contacted, Tuesday, August 25.

That way, according to Edi, the DKI Health Office will disburse the incentives directly to the accounts of each medical staff today.

"Today the Health Office transfers to each health worker," he said.

Edi admitted that he did not know how many medical personnel in DKI received incentives today. What is clear, the current incentive that can be sent is Rp. 56 billion.

"Funds that have been validated to the treasurer account of the Health Office are Rp. 56 billion. Technical matters, the Health Office regulates them," he said.

Some time ago, there was a recognition that DKI Jakarta medical personnel had not received incentives since the beginning of the pandemic or last March. In fact, the Government promised to provide special incentives for health workers for workers in hospitals who treat Covid-19 patients.

The two hospitals are Pasar Minggu Hospital, South Jakarta and Koja Hospital, North Jakarta. The two hospital directors admitted it.

"Yes, that's right. Not yet issued (incentives for the medical staff at Pasar Minggu Hospital," said Yudi, the main director of Pasar Minggu Hospital, on Tuesday, August 18.

"Yes, until now, (according to the admission) of our personnel at Koja Hospital, (incentives) have not been received at all. It should have started to be given incentives until now," said Director General of Koja Hospital IBN Banjar, contacted separately.

Responding to this, Head of BPKD DKI Edi Sumantri promised to pay off incentive payments for medical personnel who were late for the last five months. Repayment of the incentive funds will be made next week.

The delay in repaying incentive funds for health workers is because the budget received from the Central Government is not yet fully. The provincial government plans to receive a budget for health workers of Rp. 92.9 billion.

"The plan is for DKI to receive incentive funds for health workers amounting to Rp92.9 billion. However, currently what has only been transferred by the Central Government and entered into the Regional General Treasury Account (RKUD) is Rp. 56.2 billion," said Edi.

Edi said, to overcome the shortage of the budget, his party made a budget shift. Thus, the problem of paying incentives for medical personnel can be resolved quickly.

"Furthermore, we have made a budget shift in the form of adding a budget ceiling to the Health Office and implementing the input process into the Health Office Budget Usage Document (DPA)," concluded Edi.

It is known, the amount of incentives received by medical personnel varies. For specialist doctors it is Rp. 15 million, general practitioner or dentist Rp. 10 million, midwife or nurse Rp. 7.5 million, and other medical personnel Rp. 5 million. Later that number is multiplied by the hours worked proportionally.