While Gowes Ganjar Checks The Implementation Of PTM Schools In Semarang, There Is A Teacher Removing Masks Confess To Only For A Moment

SEMARANG - In the last two days a number of schools, especially at the SMA/SMK level, in the city of Semarang have implemented 100 percent face-to-face learning (PTM). While cycling, the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo tried to check the practice of PTM 100 percent in two high schools in the city of Semarang.

The two schools that Ganjar investigated were SMAN 11 Semarang City and SMAN 10 Semarang City. Based on the observations in the two schools, Ganjar gave several notes regarding the implementation of 100 percent PTM. Among them, every school has a model in implementing PTM.

For example, PTM is 100 percent at SMAN 10 Semarang City, where the learning model is still divided into two study groups. As many as 50 percent of students in each class enter the morning and another 50 percent enter the afternoon. This is done to regulate the capacity and distance between students during class learning.

"It turns out that some of them have models. One, the model is half-assed, so 50 percent of children study until 12.00, then after 12.00 the next class, so the class is only half filled (capacity)," said Ganjar when met after reviewing PTM at SMAN 10 Semarang City, Tuesday, January 4th.

A different practice is carried out by SMAN 11 Semarang City which uses a model of 100 percent of students studying at school from 07.30 to 12.00. Schools carry out strict supervision since students enter the school environment and still close the school canteen.

"But earlier I saw that there was one school that was 100 percent full until 12.00. Even though the canteen was still closed and they brought their own (lunch) the distance was still too tight because there were two children on one bench. I asked later to be evaluated," he said.

Regarding the health protocol, Ganjar saw that the implementation was relatively good. Students and teachers are quite disciplined from the beginning to the end. However, Ganjar still emphasized that schools should continue to monitor student activities while at school. He asked that there be a task force or supervisor who routinely goes around the school to remind school residents, both students and teachers.

"For example, there was a teacher who forgot to take off his mask, he said briefly. That's what we sometimes forget, now we remind him. So not only the students but the teacher must also be reminded. like it's close to normal and they can take care of it. It's just that there must be control," added Ganjar.

Meanwhile, regarding the number of schools in Central Java that have implemented 100 percent PTM, Ganjar said that data collection is still in progress. The interim reports that have been received by almost all high school level schools in the city of Semarang have been carried out.

"In Semarang, almost everything has been done. Now again I ask for a recap of everything, including those at the elementary-junior high school level. I'm still waiting, hopefully there will be a report today. Until yesterday there was no report," said Ganjar.

The head of SMAN 10 Semarang City, Sukirna, said that 100 percent of PTM had been implemented since Monday (3/1/2022). Previously, he had given a circular to parents regarding the implementation of limited PTM with strict health protocols.

"Many parents have responded that they are happy, so far no one has expressed any objections. Students also prefer face-to-face learning rather than PJJ (distance learning). What is rather difficult is the teachers because they teach twice," he said.